Pope: Bless Persons, but not Irregular Unions

The Question of Blessings and Irregular Unions
January 26, 2024
Pope Francis: Bless the persons, not the union In an address to the plenary assembly of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the...Read more

Child Tax Credit Promotes Children

Pro-Life & Pro-Child
January 25, 2024
Archbishop Commends Congress for Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Agreement

January 23, 2024

WASHINGTON - The bipartisan enhanced Child Tax Credit agreement is “exactly...Read more

History of the Catholic Charities in Northern Virginia

Roots of Today's Catholic Charities in Arlington
January 25, 2024
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington Traces its Roots to the Post-World War II Era It began as Catholic Charities of Northern Virginia,...Read more
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