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Our Lady of Lourdes
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Regular Mass & Confession Times
Lenten Confessions & Station of the Cross
Easter Tridium & Easter Sunday
Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation)
Marriage Preparation
Anointing of the Sick
Parish Devotions
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Parish Registration
Online Giving through Faith Direct
Interested in Becoming Catholic? Let's Get Started
How to Become Catholic
Who is Jesus?
Why Catholic?
What is Salvation?
The 7 Sacraments
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Matrimony
Holy Orders
Coming Back to the Church
Catholics Come Home
Online Learning
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Religious Education
Let's Get Started
Welcome St. Vincent de Paul Society
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Our Sponsors
How Can We Help You?
Need Baptism?
Children Under 7
Youth Ages 7-17
Adults 18+
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Need First Communion?
For Youth
For Adults
Learn the Faith
Religious Education for Children
Religious Education for 18+
Marriage Preparation
Marriage Preparation
Annulment Preparation
Last Rites and Funerals
Anointing of the Sick
Last Rites
About Godparents and Sponsors
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Society of St. Vincent De Paul
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Volunteer Groups at Our Lady of Lourdes
Lectors assist at daily or weekend Masses by reading the Old and New Testament and Psalms from the Sanctuary. Based on availability, a brief training will be provided.
I'm interested in lectoring for weekend Masses
I'm interested in lectoring for daily Masses
I'm interested in lectoring for weekend and daily Masses
Ushers assist at Mass by greeting parishioners, passing out bulletins, and taking up the collection. Prefer a weekly commitment. No training required.
I'm interested
Sacristans assist before Mass to prepare the sanctuary for worship. Based on availability. Training is provided one-on-one.
I'm interested
Altar Guild/Altar Flowers
Beautify the Church Sanctuary by caring for the sacred vessels, linens, candles, liturgical dressings for the altar and tabernacle, and arranging flowers for weekend Masses. Teams work together on a weekend. Training is provided one-on-one or in a group.
I'm interested
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Distribute Holy Communion at Mass or bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend Mass in their homes. Based on availability. EMHCs must attend Diocesan training.
I'm interested
Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary members meet to pray and work in pairs to reach out to those interested in the Catholic faith. They also visit individuals who are homebound or who would simply like someone to visit them. Contact the Legion to learn more about membership.
I'm interested
Knights of Columbus
The Knights are a Catholic men's fraternal organization that supports and serves the parish community.
I'm interested
Counters steward the offertory collections gathered during Mass by working in teams of three or more. Commitment to one Sunday morning a month or two weekdays a month is required. Training is provided.
I'm interested
CCD Teachers
CCD teachers explain and share the basic fundamentals of the faith with the young people of the parish and prepare them to receive Sacraments. Commitment to weekly Sunday morning classes Fall-Spring is required. Teachers adhere to the tenants of the Catholic faith. Dependent upon successful completion of an online class and credentialing to ensure a safe environment for children.
I'm interested
CCD Hall Monitor/Assistant Teacher
Ensure the safety of children attending religious education classes. Weekly commitment on Sunday morning Fall-Spring is preferred. Dependent upon successful completion on an online class and credentialing to ensure a safe environment for children.
I'm interested
Church Decorating
Decorates the Church for Christmas and Easter. Lays out flowers, wreaths and garlands, and the Creche at Christmas. Lays out flowers for Easter. Provide care for flowers and take down decorations at the end of the season. Meets 1 -2 times per year.
I'm interested
Join in on small garden projects on our lawn or in the flower beds. Meets as needed.
I'm interested
Helping Hands
Collects and delivers nonperishable food to Christ House every other month. Organizes biannual drives to support Migration & Refugee Services, part of Catholic Charities. No training is required.
I'm interested
Organizes and plans events, dinners, and socials for the parish.
I'm interested
Pro Life Volunteering
Support a pro-life activities and provide assistance to pregnancy resource centers when the Pro Life Coordinator needs extra help.
I'm interested
St. Vincent de Paul
Helping our neighbors in need. Ayudando a nuestros vecino necesitados.
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