Christmas Day Masses

Img 3372

Celebrate Christ's Nativity

Christmas Day Masses

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

2:00 PM SpanishImg 3371


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A Brave New “Thoughtfulness” for American Democracy

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“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.” (Proverbs 18:17)

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The Joys of January

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Who says January brings the blues? Christmas blessings shine well into January. Like a glow-in-the-dark Jesus statue, January retains an afterglow of December. The...Read more

The COVID-19 Vaccine and Social Morality

Guidelines from Catholic Social Teaching by Fr. Edlefsen
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Today, questions are being raised about the morality of COVID-19 vaccines. Some people have concerns about getting vaccinated because the technology was developed with...Read more

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