Christmas Day Masses

Img 3372

Celebrate Christ's Nativity

Christmas Day Masses

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

2:00 PM SpanishImg 3371


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A Poem

For Sanity’s Sake
November 25, 2020

Fr. Frederick Edlefsen

“Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason,” said G.K Chesterton. “Poets...Read more

The Enchanted Realm

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These falling waters flow from a wild hillside on the grounds of a Monastery in the Catskill Mountains, long ago...Read more

Another Tale from The Enchanted Realm

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I was on retreat at the Monastery of Bethlehem, in New York ‘s snowy Catskills, in April 2018. One evening, while walking back to...Read more

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