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Your compassion helps those in need around the world.

Every gift you give helps a child thrive, brings hope to a family and rebuilds a community. 

When you give, you help fill the bellies of young children so they can study hard in school. You help prevent trafficking and provide welcome kits for survivors. You help mothers and babies around the world receive nutritional care and health exams.

When you give, refugees find safety and receive emergency assistance and trauma counseling. Farmers learn innovative ways to plant and grow crops despite drought or disease. And women find dignity in opportunities for savings and training.

You can make an immediate lifesaving difference and give hope to children, mothers and fathers around the world.

For 80 years, CRS has been providing expertise and compassion to the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters in more than 100 countries. And it's because of you.

We can't do this lifesaving work without your help. Please make a generous gift today and fill out the secure form to make a one-time donation.

All amounts are in USD


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