National Vocations Awareness Week

Nov 6-12

My soul rejoices in the Lord..

(Luke 1:46-47)


Statement by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge for 2022 National Vocation Awareness Week


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we begin National Vocation Awareness Week, I invite you to reflect on the theme for our second preparatory year for the Diocesan Jubilee, “My soul rejoices in the Lord.” These words are proclaimed when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth and express the joy overflowing from her after she gave her “yes” to God.

Mary's words summarize the experience of all those who, like her, have heard God's call and respond with a prompt and joyful “yes.” Following Christ in whatever vocation he calls us to, be it religious life, priesthood, marriage, consecrated life, diaconate or single life, requires deep trust in God's divine plan, and also brings with it profound joy.

We are blessed to have so many wonderful priests, seminarians, religious brothers, and religious sisters faithfully living out their call in our Diocese. They will be the first to tell you that the joy we observe in them is only a reflection of their experience of God's love as they offer their daily “yes” to him.

Each of us is called to a particular form of holiness, a particular vocation that is a witness to God's love for the world: maybe even the priesthood or consecrated life. During this Vocation Awareness Week, may we rejoice as we discover and live the plan that God, our loving Father, has for each of us. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.





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Nat'l Vocations Week


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