Our Friendship Parish in Poplar, Montana

Nakota Indian

We Have New Friends

Our Lady of Lourdes in Poplar, Montana

Support Our Lady of Lourdes in Poplar, Montana - on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation - HERE.  


We have new friends on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation - Nakota and Assiniboine first nations - with Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Poplar, Montana.  One day, I hope we can meet them and hear their stories. 

Catholic Extension builds transformative Catholic communities in America’s most culturally rich and beautiful  regions. These communities have little in the way of financial means.  In Poplar, Montana, Our Lady of Lourdes is hours away from Billings and Great Falls, the nearest big cities.  The nearest WalMart is 90 minutes away, but they have amazing culturesand histories that they can share with us.  

In turn, we can share what we have as well: https://catholicextension.org/lourdes.  

Catholic Extension has partnered with parishes for over 120 years, building churches, training leaders, and supporting ministries.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Poplar, is more than a parish on the Fort Peck Reservation.  

It's a gathering place for the entire town. Neighbors gather and find help when needed. Our Lady of Lourdes, Poplar is a warm place on a cold day.  It's a place to get groceries, shoes, jackets, or even a roll of toilet paper. It provides to-go lunches for students and warm meals for community members.

The parish’s weekly collection is $480.  

Continuous funding assures basic necessities for 800 parishioners!   Thanks for your support and generosity.

Please give online through this LINK: https://catholicextension.org/lourdes

What is Catholic Extension?  

Who are the Assiniboine / Nakota First Nations?


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