

Pope to Knights of Columbus:

Pray for Christ’s peace to triumph

By David Watkins of Vatican News

Check out the Knights of Columbus here:  https://www.kofc.org/en//index.html

The papal message was sent to Patrick Kelly, the Supreme Knight,

and was signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin.

The Pope reflected on the theme of the 142nd Supreme Convention, “On Mission”, and highlighted that every Christian is a missionary in the measure we have encountered the love of God in Christ.

“The foundation of the Knights of Columbus, guided by the prophetic vision of Blessed Michael McGivney,” said the Pope, “was inspired by the urgent need to bear witness to that love, above all in service to the poor and in apostolic zeal for the building up of the Church in unity, fraternity and fidelity to the saving truth of the Gospel.”

Forming men of faith and family

He praised the Knights’ efforts to form men of “faith and family,” saying their commitment to the family as the fundamental cell of society has helped many people grow in maturity.

The Pope expressed special appreciation for the Knights’ “Cor” initiative, which seeks to form Catholic men "to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community, and country” by focusing on “prayer, formation, and fraternity.”

“All missionary outreach has its heart and beating pulse in the presence of our Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, offered for the peace and salvation of all the world,” he said.

The Knights of Columbus helped promote the Eucharistic Pilgrimage that converged on the city of Indianapolis in July 2024, and the Pope said the initiative bore “impressive witness” to the Church’s faith in Christ’s redemptive sacrifice on the cross.

He recalled the wars and social unrest rocking many parts of the world, and called for prayers for justice, peace, and reconciliation.

May the Knights and their families, he said, “persevere in offering their prayers and Masses for the triumph of Christ’s peace in the hearts of all people and the building of the civilization of love.”

Supporting Church’s mission and suffering Christians

Pope Francis also recalled the Knights’ charitable activities and efforts to support marriage, the dignity of every human life, and the Church’s mission in developing nations.

He mentioned their charitable outreach in Ukraine and the Christian communities of the Middle East, as well as their care for Christians enduring persecution for their faith in Christ.

Turning to the upcoming 2025 Jubilee, the Pope thanked the Knights for sponsoring the ongoing renovation of the baldachin in St. Peter’s Basilica.

He expressed his hopes that as pilgrims “contemplate the great Bernini baldacchino that soars above the Tomb of Saint Peter, even now being restored to its original splendor through the generosity of the Knights of Columbus, they will be strengthened in faith and in unity with the Successor of Peter.”

In conclusion, Pope Francis entrusted the Knights of Columbus to the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and invited them to fulfill their bapstimal mission “to be a leaven of peace and holiness in our human family.”


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