
Day Three in Indonesia

Day Three in Indonesia: 'We are all connected'

Vatican News

Pope Francis’ third and final day in Indonesia, before he departs for the second leg of his Asia-Pacific journey, was a hymn to our shared humanity, a reminder that “no one can do without the other,” and an appeal to overcome barriers and intolerance if we want to save humanity and the planet.

By Linda Bordoni - Jakarta

“Be builders of hope,” Pope Francis told the over 100,000 Indonesian faithful gathered on Thursday afternoon to join him at Holy Mass in Jakarta’s main stadium, as his three-day visit to their nation came to an end.

“Guided by the word of the Lord,” he said during his homily, “I encourage you to sow seeds of love, confidently tread the path of dialogue, continue to show your goodness and kindness... and be builders of unity and peace.”

His appeal to foster fraternity in a divided and shattered world resonated loudly in this pluralistic and diverse nation of many islands, languages, and creeds.

It’s an overwhelmingly Muslim nation, proud of its tradition of tolerance and cohabitation, a nation that sought and found a friend and an ally in Pope Francis, who in the morning signed a joint declaration with the Grand Imam of Istiqlal Mosque, the largest in Southeast Asia, in which together they called for religious harmony for the sake of humanity and of creation.

The urgent need to foster and nurture Human Fraternity, the main leitmotif of the entire visit, permeated that ceremony in more ways than one when Pope Francis and the Imam stepped into the famous “Tunnel of Friendship“ that connects the Catholic Cathedral and the Mosque, both physically and symbolically.

"We all have a role to play in helping everyone pass through the tunnels of life with our eyes turned toward the light," he said.

But the most luminous light of the day shone during his visit to a group of disabled persons waiting to welcome him at the nearby offices of the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference.

After listening to Andrew’s story of difficulty and hope, and having learnt of how Andrew has been chosen to participate in the Paralympics, the Pope expressed admiration for the young swimmer, turned to his hosts, and said: “You are all champions of love in the Olympics of life!”

And then, doing perhaps what he loves best, he slowly wheeled his wheelchair up and down the aisles, stopping to greet every single boy, girl, man and woman with a touch, a hug, an exchange of closeness and compassion that needed no words, and that left hardly a dry eye in the room.


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