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"Work with Us": Website to apply for a job at the Vatican


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The Vatican Secretariat for the Economy launches a new webpage to accept job applications for laypeople who wish to apply for vacant positions at the Holy See.

By Vatican News

"Work with Us" is a title that says it all. Up to now, lay staff to be hired at various levels of the Holy See were selected based on available CVs (curriculum vitae). From now on, it will be possible to directly apply for vacant or soon-to-be vacant positions.

This is the main innovation of the new website of the Secretariat for the Economy, led by the Prefect, Maximino Caballero Ledo, which came online on Tuesday.

Vatican personnel and reform

As the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy explains, "A central theme in the economic reform concerns personnel, which, as always, is one of the most complex reforms to implement. This is because to implement the reform and carry out the mission of the Holy See, we need people with the appropriate competence, motivation, and, above all, an ethical sense."

"How can one work at the Holy See? What positions are available?”

To answer these questions, says Luis Herrera, the Director of Human Resources of the Holy See, “it will now be possible to do so publicly through the 'Work with Us' section of the website dedicated to this purpose. All information about vacant positions and the required candidate qualifications will be published here. Anyone interested will be able to submit their application through the website."

Simplifying application process

In this way, as noted by the Secretariat for the Economy, it will be possible to reach everyone, especially those interested, who can immediately learn about available positions, thereby promoting the selection of personnel genuinely interested in that specific role.

"It often happens,” says Mr. Herrera, “that Dicasteries and offices request staff with particular specializations, such as linguistic or technical skills, which are not easy to find. Thanks to the new website, communication between supply and demand will be facilitated."

However, it will also be possible to submit your CV through the website without connecting it to a specific position, while waiting for a suitable one to become available.

"Work with Us" is a section dedicated to lay staff interested in working at the Holy See and is aimed at candidates external to the Vatican.

Internal mobility

At the same time, the Secretariat for the Economy is also working to promote internal mobility, so when a position becomes vacant, the notice will also be conveyed through the Employee Portal to check if there are people already part of the Holy See's staff who are interested.

The new website of the Secretariat for the Economy, in addition to information on the functions and decision-making processes of the Dicastery, also transparently presents the rules governing control and supervision in economic and financial matters, as well as those for oversight and supervision in administrative matters.

For example, the Office of Procurement Regulations interprets and applies the "Rules on transparency, control and competition in the procedures for awarding public contracts of the Holy See and Vatican City State," adopted in May 2020.


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