Though I should walk in the valley of the shadow of death, no evil would I fear, for you are with me

Psalm 23:4

What are the Last Rites?

If you or a loved one nees the Last Rites, please email the Parish Office at [email protected] or call 703-684-9261

The Last Rites consist of up to three Sacraments:  Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, and last Holy Communion (known as Viaticum).   The Last Rites can be administered whenever a person is in danger of dying, even if death is not immiment.  If possible, it is best not to wait until the last minute if a person needs this sacrament.  Of course, a priest should be contacted to adminsitser the Last Rites when a Catholic is in imminent danger of death.  If death is foreseen in advance, Last Rites can be administered even months before a person's passing, as it is often unclear when a person will pass from this life to the next.   


Who Can Receive the Last Rites?

Any Catholic can receive Last Rites when death is foreseen or possible.  Non-Catholics may also receive Last Rites under certain circumstances (please contact the priest about this).  The Catholic Church urges members not to wait until they or their loved ones are on their deathbeds to request the Last Rites.  Instead, they encourage members to call whenever death is possible or imminent.


Why are the Last Rites Important?

The Last Rites impart a peace with God's mercy in the absolution of sin,  the consolation and strengh of the Holy Spirit in Anointing of the Sick, and the initmate presence of Christ in Holy Commuion.  The Last Holy Communion is called Viaticum, which measn "I go with you."   Christ personally and intimately accompanties the person through the tunnels of death into the Light of the Father's love and mercy.  The Last Rites give one the spiritual strength needed to "let go" and "let God".


Video From Bishop Coyne About the Last Rites

What ever happened to Last Rites?