Our Lady of Lourdes Parish has a number of active organizations who provide opportunities for volunteer activity, fellowship, community service, and the practice of our Catholic faith. All parishioners are invited to become a member of our parish organizations.

Please call the Rectory Office at (703) 684-9261 to inquire about or join any or all of our different organizations.

Organizations at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish include:

Nursing Home Volunteers

What they do: Visit residents of the local nursing home on Thursdays.

Commitments expected: Once a week.

Please contact: Marianne Rodriguez at 703-684-9261

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a dedicated group of women and men who are committed to the service of God by beautifying the Church. We maintain the sanctuary and sacristy, care for sacred vessels, linens, candles, liturgical decorations used at the altar and tabernacle, priests' and altar boys' garments and respond to special requests of our priests. We arrange flowers weekly at the altar and tabernacle and care for the green plants and flowers in the grotto. Decorating for Christmas and Easter are the highlights of our year.

We work in teams each weekend to prepare for Saturday and Sunday Masses. Each team works approximately once every two months. We enjoy our work, especially preparing for the holidays. Each spring we gather together at our annual luncheon, inviting our priests and other parishioners who help us during the year. Sewing skills are particularly welcome. This is a beautiful way to serve Our Lord and meet other parishioners. Please contact: Kathryn Updegraft at 703-684-8765.


The Pro-Life Group provides information to the parish regarding the Pro-Life Movement, Pro-Life activities, and Pro-Life needs. The group also facilitates and mobilizes the parishioners participation in several events throughout the year such as the annual Life Chain, the March for Life, a Spiritual Baby Adoption, a Baby Shower for the adopted babies, and a Christmas Giving Tree for Project Rachel/the Gabriel Project.

Meetings are held on an “as-needed” basis and members help organize and participate in the Pro-Life events as available and as able.

Please contact: Laura Mitchell at (913)306-2423 or [email protected]

Legion of Mary

What Is It

The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. Its members serve the Church on a voluntary basis. The Legion was founded in 1921 in Dublin, Ireland, by the Catholic layman Frank Duff, and has today over three million active members in almost every country of the world. The number of the auxiliary members is estimated to about ten million. It has been active in the United States since 1931, has been approved by the last 7 Popes, and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council.


The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholics who:

  • Faithfully practice their religion;
  • Are animated by the desire to participate in the Church's apostolate through membership in the Legion;
  • Are prepared to fulfill each and every duty which active membership in the Legion involves.


Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Members meet once a week for prayer, planning and discussion in a family setting. Then they do two hours of definite work each week in pairs and under the guidance of their spiritual director.

Works include door-to-door evangelization, parishioner visitation, prison ministry, visitation of the sick or aged, crowd contact, religious education, visiting the newly baptized, Pilgrim Virgin Statue rotations, and meeting the other spiritual needs of the parish community. Legionaries are under the guidance of a spiritual director named by the pastor. The Legion is, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the pastor.

How to Start

The first step is to be a guest at a meeting of the Legion of Mary. Guests are always welcome and can go on work assignments with an experienced member if they choose. If there is no Legion of Mary in your parish, you can participate in a group in another parish until you can start one of your own with the assistance of other Legionaries and in cooperation with the pastor.

For more information, ask any member of the Legion of Mary, or come to a meeting of the following group, which meets in the Lourdes Center on the lower level:

Mother of Divine Grace

Wednesdays 8:00-9:30 p.m.

[email protected]

Choir/Music Department

Our Lady of Lourdes Choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. Mass every Sunday and rehearses every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Singing in the choir provides beauty, joy, comfort, inspiration, and musical prayer for our communal liturgies and various parish celebrations. This is possible due to the generous sharing of time and talent of diverse and committed members. If you can carry a tune and want to learn, come sing with us! Contact Tom Bartolomeo, Director of Music, at 410-980-8111 or the rectory at 703-684-9261.

Lector Ministry

Lectors, or readers, vocalize the sacred scripture of the Old and New Testament during Mass. It is a very special ministry and one of the most important here at Our Lady of Lourdes. Volunteers must have a strong, clear, speaking voice and the ability to read well aloud. Typically, candidates will be required to read at Mass every four – six weeks, and be required to attend a training session. Although experience is appreciated, it is not required. If interested, please contact the Parish Office at 703-684-9261, or email us at [email protected] .

Meals on Wheels

Perhaps one of the longest standing ministries here at Our Lady of Lourdes, we have been involved with Meals on Wheels (Mow) for over 30 years. Our Parish supplies drivers and helpers for Mow. Delivery takes place in South Arlington once a month (the 3rd Monday of the month), between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Meals are prepared by Arlington County, and complete directions for your route are provided. We currently need volunteers to fill in when the regulars go on vacation, doctor appointments, etc. If you would like to help us continue the tradition, please contact: Marguerite Stone at 703-979-9541 or email [email protected].

Children’s Religious Education

Our Lady of Lourdes Religious Education is Sunday mornings during the school year from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. If you enjoy discussing matters of faith, bible stories and stories of the saints, and working with children, perhaps you would like to volunteer for this ministry. Our program is growing! Teachers and aides are needed. No experience is necessary, however all candidates must be practicing Catholics, faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium, who enjoy working with children, and must be willing to attend a required four hour Virtus training and certification through the diocese. For more information, contact Mary Beth Harney, Director of Religious Education 703-359-8963, [email protected] or the Rectory at 703-684-9261.

Spanish Apostolate / Apostolados en Español

What they do: Share many of the same programs; Altar boys, Choir, Lectors, Ushers, and Catholic Warriors Youth Group.

Commitments expected: Varies with each group.

Please contact: Ana Rivera, 703-508-7751.

Spes Nostra Our Hope: Young Adults Ministry

What they do: Host monthly brunches after 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass; occasional service projects, book discussions, and outdoor activities. See church bulletin for current activities.

Commitments expected: Young adults ages 21-40, seeking to grow in their faith.


What they do: Assist in seating parishioners at mass; take a headcount of parishioners at each Mass; take up collections.

Commitments expected: Must be registered; must commit to serving the same Mass every weekend.

Please contact: Marianne Rodriguez at 703-684-9261.

Altar Boys

What they do: Assist priests in celebrating the Mass.

Commitments expected: For boys ages 10 and older; must attend required training prior to serving, with additional training required for Special Occasions; must have received 1st Communion; scheduled every week for Sunday Mass (do not serve the vigil Mass).

Please contact: Parish Rectory at 703-684-9261.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Chosen each spring by the Pastor

What they do: Bring Holy Communion to homebound parishioners and those in nursing homes.

Commitments expected: Bi-monthly as scheduled.

Please contact: If interested in being considered, please contact Father Edlefsen through the Parish Rectory at 703-684-9261.

Knights of Columbus

St. Joseph the Worker Council #14516 is composed of Knights from Our Lady of Lourdes parish.

What they do: Plan activities for the parish such as monthly First Sunday Brunch, bi-annual Spaghetti Dinner, and Lenten Soup Suppers; the Knights are the largest men’s fraternal Catholic organization in the world.

Commitments expected: Members attend meetings as often as possible; 50-70 hours of volunteer work by each member for the council is required annually.

Please contact: James Ryan at [email protected]


What they do: Raise funds annually; volunteers typically donate items, solicit silent auction and raffle items, set up tables, man booths such as jewelry, baked goods, Christmas items, treasure trove, and white elephant.

Commitments expected: Annual commitment in October or November.

Please contact: James Ryan at [email protected]

Parish Picnic

What they do: Volunteers are needed to coordinate, design graphics, or man tables after Masses for the picnic hosted by the parish; volunteers are also needed on picnic day to assist with set up, clean up, and children’s games.

Commitments expected: Once a year in September.

Please contact: Marianne Rodriguez at 703-684-9261.