Child Abuse Prevention Month

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge

During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, it is essential that we call to mind the necessity and responsibility of protecting the most vulnerable among us from every form of abuse. We also renew our sacred commitment to accompany and assist victim/survivors as they pursue their lifelong healing process.

Sadly, the innocence of more than 600,000 children is stolen each year in the United States, with 28 percent of the victims under the age of two. Children are harmed in most cases by trusted adults known to the family and sometimes, even from within the family. The Catholic Church acknowledges that it has also been guilty of these unspeakable sins from among its clergy. This has motivated the Church to make fundamental changes to ensure the innocence of children and young people are protected and valued. This month we recommit our resolve to partnering with members of our parishes and local communities to provide abuse prevention education and in our efforts to help bring healing to victims.

The Diocese of Arlington Office of Victims’ Assistance offers support and guidance to victims as well as referrals for ongoing counseling. The Diocese continues to work diligently to protect children from abuse in any form and maintains a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse of a minor. We remain fully committed to training our clergy, staff, and volunteers to identify and report any suspected instances of abuse. Our Office of Child Protection works with parish staff to ensure training and prevention are followed throughout our parishes and schools.

We must work together to ensure each and every child is valued and protected. I invite all the faithful to stand with us in our efforts and prayers to protect children from any form of abuse. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, may Our Lord Jesus watch over and protect all children and console and place those wounded by abuse in his heart.

The Diocese of Arlington encourages anyone aware of misconduct or abuse by any person affiliated with the Diocese to report it to local law enforcement and contact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (703) 841-2530.


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