Experience Advent

By Fr. Frederick Edlefsen

The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah.” (Jeremiah 33:14)


Advent prepares us for Christ’s coming. We meditate on the Old Testament prophecies. We renew our generosity to the poor. December 17 begins the Novena (nine-day preparation) to Christmas.

Set up your manger scene that day but wait to put the Baby Jesus in his crib on Christmas Eve. Keep the Christmas tree up at least through the Epiphany. Keep the manager scene up through the Presentation (February 2). Keep the afterglow of Christ’s light shining in your home throughout the short days and cold winds of January.



Advent Wreath (Starting First Sunday of Advent):  Have an Advent candle lighting ceremony with family at mealtimes. The Advent Wreath represents the years from Adam to Christ’s first coming and our awaiting his second coming at time’s end. The purple candles represent our fallen world’s darkness before dawn’s light. The rose candle, which is lit on the Third Sunday of Advent, represents the first streaks of dawn before the Sunrise of Christ. This Sunday is called “Gaudete” (Rejoice) Sunday, from the Entrance Antiphon of the Mass: “Rejoice in the Lord always: I say it again, Rejoice!”

St. Nicholas Day (December 6):   For families with small children, have each child put out a shoe the night before St. Nicholas Day, hoping he will pay a visit. Fill the kids’ shoes with treats. Some families give gifts on both St. Nicholas Day and Christmas.

The Mary Candle (December 8, Immaculate Conception):  This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Attend Mass that day.

Place a candle with a blue ribbon, or a blue candle, by a statue or picture of Mary. Light the candle at mealtime, reminding everyone of Mary’s innocence and her calling to give birth to the Light of the World. Then read this prayer, adapted from the Rite of Baptism:  “This light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. In Baptism, you have been enlightened by Christ. Walk always as a child of Light. Keep the flame of Faith alive in you heart. When the Lord comes, go out to meet Him with all the Saints in the Heavenly Kingdom.”



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