Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Our Lady of Lourdes, Arlington, VA

The Commitment to Human Rights is Never Finished

Following the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis notes the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and prays for all people who are suffering due to war. 

By Christopher Wells

Pope Francis on Sunday marked the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “It is like a master plan,” he said. “Many steps have been taken, many still need to be made, and, unfortunately, at times, steps backward have been taken.”

“The commitment to human rights is never finished!” he said, adding that he is close to all those who work and fight to defend human rights in the concrete situations of everyday life.


Pope at Angelus: Strive to become credible voices who testify to the coming of Jesus.


Hopes for peace in the South Caucasus

In his remarks following the Angelus on Sunday, the Holy Father expressed his joy at the release of Armenian and Azerbaijani prisoners. “I look with great hope on this positive sign between Armenia and Azerbaijan, for peace in the South Caucasus,” the Pope said, while encouraging both nations, with their leaders, to conclude a peace treaty “as soon as possible.”


Taking concrete steps for peace

Pope Francis went on to ask for prayers for all peoples suffering from war. “We are heading toward Christmas: Are we able, with God’s help, to take concrete steps for peace?” he asked. While acknowledging the difficulties of resolving conflicts that have deep historical roots, the Pope invited everyone to follow the example of “men and women who have worked wisely and patiently for peaceful coexistence.”


Defence of human rights in war zones

And, returning to the issue of human rights, the Pope called for civilians, hospitals, and places of worship to be protected, for hostages to be freed, and for humanitarian aid to be guaranteed in conflict areas.

“And let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel,” he added.


Finally, with the COP28 Conference on Climate Change drawing to a close in Dubai, Pope Francis asked for prayers “for a good outcome for the care of our common home and the protection of populations.”


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