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Saint Joseph and Fatima

October 13, 1917 – As the multitudinous crowd witnessed the great Miracle of the Sun, the three children seers successively saw three heavenly visions.

To the left of the sun, Lucia saw St. Joseph emerge above the clouds. Our Lady of the Rosary stood to the right of the sun, dressed in brilliant blue and white robes. St. Joseph was holding the Child Jesus in his left arm. The clouds covered him below his chest, but she was able to see him raise his right hand and make the Sign of the Cross. The Divine Child matched His foster father’s action. Together they made the Sign of the Cross three times over the world.

We can infer that this vision represented the Joyful Mysteries. The next two visions represented the Sorrowful Mysteries (Mater Dolorosa) and the Glorious Mysteries (Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the Brown Scapular).

[Read about these three visions in The True Story of Fatima, page 55-56 in the PDF version online).





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