Virginia Catholic Conference Offers Voters' Resources

A pile of "I Voted" stickers

Election Day is November 2...

Memorare Novena Flyer

To help you better understand the issues and the candidates from a Catholic perspective, Fr. Edlefsen has compiled this list of resources from Virginia Catholic Conference


  • A pre-election letter issued by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout
    English Spanish
  • A comparison of candidates’ positions in the race for governor
    English Spanish
  • A comparison of candidates’ positions in the race for lieutenant governor
    English Spanish
  • A comparison of candidates’ positions in the race for attorney general
    English Spanish
  • A Memorare a Day for the Health of the Commonwealth
    Download the Flier

As you prepare to vote, please review these materials.

Share them with family and friends too, and remind them to pray, form their consciences and vote!



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