Some Words on First Communion at Our Lady of Lourdes

by Fr. Frederick Edlefsen
Second grade children from Our Lady of Lourdes will be receiving their First Communion at the 10:00 AM Mass and 5:00 PM Spanish Mass this Sunday. Also, five of our Hispanic youth were baptized, confirmed, and received First Communion at the Easter Vigil Mass. Please pray for these boys and girls! Pray that they always remain close to Christ. May we always accompany our brothers and sisters who have received the Holy Spirit through Baptism and Confirmation and who have received the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. We all have the same calling: holiness in time, heaven in eternity.
As a parish community and as Christian parents, we have brought these boys and girls to God’s Altar to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in Holy Communion. We have committed ourselves to taking these youth to Mass every Sunday; to taking them to confession regularly; to teaching them their catechism, Bible stories, and prayers; to instructing them to follow the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Church. “Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care” (1 Peter 5:2). To our parish community: Please say some extra prayers for these youth and their families.