Intolerable Conditions in Gaza

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Holy Land Patriarch

Patriarch Pizzaballa: Situation in Gaza is intolerable

Speaking to an Italian television station, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem,

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, says that “everyone must do everything possible to put an end to this situation."

By Vatican News

"It is objectively intolerable."

That’s how Cardinal Gianbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, described the situation in Gaza in a recent interview with the Italian television station TV2000.

“We have always had many problems of all kinds,” he continued, “and even the economic-financial situation has always been very fragile, but there has never been hunger before."

"Everyone—religious, political, and social communities," said Patriarch Pizzaballa, "must do everything possible to put an end this situation."

"The weakness of the United States," emphasised the Patriarch, "creates a great dilemma, because, until now, there has always been someone to put things in order. Now there is no longer anyone to play this role, and we have to do it ourselves. I don't know if, how, or when this will be possible."

Easter in times of war

Speaking days before the beginning of Holy Week, Patriarch Pizzaballa offered his reassurances that permits will be granted to Christians living in Palestinian territories to allow them to visit Jerusalem for liturgies.

"We’ll get the permits," he said. "We insisted, saying that as they had given permits to Muslims for Ramadan, they should also give them to Christians for Easter. Even if the numbers are smaller, we will have several thousand permits both for Palm Sunday and for Easter."

"It will be a difficult Easter," Cardinal Pizzaballa concluded. "I think of the loneliness of Jesus in Gethsemane, which is now shared by all of us."



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