Adevent First Sunday

And Advent Tips for the Whole Family


Fr. Frederick Edlefsen

"Stay with us, Lord, for the shadows fall long and evening is spent.  Jesus stayed with them” (Luke 24:29).  The Emmaus-destined travelers and Jesus booked the night at the Hampton Inn.  

History’s sun is setting.  Something new is being born.  “The kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 3:2).  It’s Advent.  From now until December 17, we anticipate Christ’s Second Coming. 

“The dawn from on high shall break upon us.”  (Canticle of Zechariah, Luke 1:78-79)

Advent foretells Christ’s Second Coming.  Make amends.  Confess sins.  Meditate on the Gospel.  December 17 begins a nine-day preparation for Christmas, contemplating Christ’s First Coming.  Make that time warm and festive.  Make it intimate with loved ones.   Cut back on electronics.  Turn on togetherness and mutual prayer.  

Family Tips for Advent

More Family Ideas for Participating in Advent:

Advent Wreath (Starting First Sunday of Advent):   Light the candles as a family daily at dinner time.  Each child can take turns lighting the candles. 

St. Nicholas Day (December 6):   Children put out shoes on St. Nick’s Eve hoping the kind bishop will visit with gifts.  Fill kids’ shoes with treats.  Many families give gifts on both December 6 and Christmas. 

The Mary candle (December 9, Immaculate Conception): Place a blue-ribboned candle by an image of the Virgin at mealtime.  Then, read this prayer: “This light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly.   In Baptism, you have been enlightened by Christ.  Walk always as a child of Light.  Keep the flame of Faith alive in your heart.   When the Lord comes, go out to meet Him with all the Saints in the Heavenly Kingdom.” 

The Empty Manger (December 17-24):  Make a manger in your home and in your heart. Plan acts of kindness, honoring Baby Jesus, as birthday presents to the divine Child.   On Christmas Eve, place the Baby Jesus in the manger. 

The Christ Candle (Christmas Eve):  Decorate a large white candle with symbols of Christ and Christmas cards. Light it on Christmas Eve.  Continue to light the Christ Candle at Sunday dinner through February 2 (Feast of the Presentation), reminding your family that Christ is the “Light of the world” (John 8:12).


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