Pope: Pray the Rosary in May

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Pray it for Peace

Pope: Pray Rosary for Our Lady's intercession

in wars lashing our world

Pope Francis urges the faithful to pray the Rosary, especially during the month of May,

as he entrusts to the Blessed Virgin Mary the cause of peace for the wars in the Holy Land, Ukraine, and Myanmar.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

Pope Francis entrusted to the Blessed Mother people suffering from wars and conflicts around the world, and invited the faithful to rediscover the great value of praying the Rosary.

He made the appeal at his Wednesday General Audience in St. Peter's Square.

The Pope recalled that Wednesday, 8 May, marks the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and falls in the month of May, which is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Today, he noted, the Church raises the prayer of supplication to Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii.

"I invite everyone," he insisted, "to invoke Mary's intercession, so that the Lord may grant peace to the whole world, especially to the dear and martyred Ukraine, and to Palestine, Israel, and Myanmar."

“I invite everyone to invoke Mary's intercession, so that the Lord may grant peace to the whole world, especially to the dear and martyred Ukraine, and to Palestine, Israel, and Myanmar.”

The Holy Father went on to entrust young people, the sick, the elderly, and newlyweds to Our Lady.

“I urge everyone to value praying the Holy Rosary this May.”

Before imparting upon everyone his Apostolic Blessing, Pope Francis made a request: "I urge everyone to value praying the Holy Rosary this May."


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